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Conjuctivitis Eye

The monsoon season brings with it the woes of conjuctivitis or red Eye. Every year around this time the incidence of Eye flue increases dramatically. Usually these are caused by viruses which gets worse with super-added bacterial infections. It presents as redness, watering, discharge, swelling and ache in and around Eyes. It may be preceded or followed by fever, cold or sore throat in few patients. If the conjunctivitis is severe and not treated in time, it may affect the cornea and cause keratitis or ulcers affecting vision.


  • Wash your hands with soap & water or use sanitizer couple of times a day.

  • Segregate yourself from person having conjunctivitis-do not share clothing or bed.

  • Avoid public places and swimming.


  • Frequent hand wash with soap and water or sanitizer should be done by patients and everybody else around him.

  • Frequent Eye wash with cold filter water & cold compression with ice packs helps in relieving symptoms.

  • To wipe Eyes, use tissue paper and discard it properly in dustbin.

  • Antibiotic and antiinflammatory Eye drops to be used as prescribed by Eye Specialist-Have separate set of Eye Drops for either Eye.

  • Wear sunglasses to avoid glare and decrease accidental Eye Contact with Fingers.


  • People with conjuctivitis should avoid public places, not shake hands or share their clothing.

  • Do not bring your hands near your Eyes.

  • Do not wear Contact Lens if you have a red Eye.

  • Do not share Eye Drops – it can cause cross contamination.

  • Do not use steroid Eye Drops.


  • One can get conjuctivitis by looking at a person suffering with same.

  • Using any Eyedrop prior can prevent conjunctivitis.

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